Thank you for this. I to feel a bit of levelling of ability to continually receive information about the injustices in the world however their are many people that I encounter in my life that are oblivious or ignore these so I feel it’s important to still keep learning about them.

I do believe it is time for action and positive shinning examples or beacons of hope to be accelerated on the community level. We are launching are community farm…Pure Pastures Regenerative Farm …which we be a community trust here in northern British Columbia. It is to be a multiple generational, land based community focusing on bringing healing though co creation of all living being including the soil.

It would be interesting to hearing about your experience of living off grid.

Keep up the good work and may you be blessed

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It's good to read your words again, Kamea. I often go back and forth between wanting to continue sharing the many injustices of the world to further awareness and getting frustrated to a point of feeling like I'm wasting my time because no one cares. My deepfelt love for the planet and it's people usually brings me back and gives me the words to share again. Continuing to see others share about these injustices like you do is reinvigorating, so just know that I'm sure many have deep gratitude for your words. I know I do.

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This found me at the exact right moment. I feel responsible for knowing what is happening but the production and distribution of that knowledge is far from me and leaves me no bridge. Reporting could focus more on activism and community work that generally goes unnoticed and then at least, even if not local to me, I have the suggestion of a path of action I can learn from. I am not sure if these stories would not get the clicks or if the tradition of journalism that dominates just can't fathom a different paradigm.

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