I love this, well said. I'm in Aotearoa and looking to replant / restore native plants in the garden. I had thought about how some have multiple uses, historically, but hadn't really thought about uses beyond medicinal or culinary; fabric is next level but would be really interesting to learn about even if I'm not making it myself. I started researching native flora in my suburb and it turns out it varies from plants in the higher elevations in neighbouring suburbs but there are a few that have been used nationwide for centuries....
I love this, well said. I'm in Aotearoa and looking to replant / restore native plants in the garden. I had thought about how some have multiple uses, historically, but hadn't really thought about uses beyond medicinal or culinary; fabric is next level but would be really interesting to learn about even if I'm not making it myself. I started researching native flora in my suburb and it turns out it varies from plants in the higher elevations in neighbouring suburbs but there are a few that have been used nationwide for centuries....